Humility Leads to Thanksgiving and Worship

"Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position" James 1:9. Over the years of walking with the Lord I have discovered a few things about myself. When I first began this journey I purposed in my heart to put my old ways behind me forever. As I journeyed on I discovered that wasn't as easy as I thought. I soon discovered that getting rid of the old behaviours was one thing while getting at the root driving them was quite another. Even Jesus proposed that cleaning the outside of the cup wasn't enough (Mt. 5:27-30). Like an onion, the Holy Spirit revealed to me over time layers of self that were in need of sanctification ... transformation of my thinking, attitude, and beliefs that did not mirror His was in order. However, I was unable to do it alone. I needed Holy Spirit intervention. What has kept me throughout this journey has been the mercy and faithfulness recorded in scriptures. In a paradoxical kind of way, or perhaps...