
Showing posts from February, 2013

Orthodoxy = Orthopraxy = Christ Revealed

Biblical orthodoxy concerning truths we profess to define our convictions, by rigorous definition also holds implications beyond knowing what the bible correctly teaches. Right knowledge is certainly a fundamental responsibility of every believer, and a prerequisite for right relationship with God, but it can not in itself be defined as Christlikeness. The correct illumination of God's word comes with some proviso. God expects us to apply it. Faith and grace can not become the "pop" culture idiom for this generation. Grace and faith are not an excuse for bad or unwise behaviour, they do not imply we can live without restrictions. Good theology does not produce bad practices. It contributes to their demise. Good theology must translate into orthopraxy - honourable practices that extend beyond ourselves. This demonstrates esteem for God. Discipleship is the journey of developing both our inner and outer life. Consistent over-attention given to any one area...

Just Balances

"Just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin, shall ye have." Leviticus 19:36 "Weights, and scales, and measures were to be all according to the standard of justice. Surely no Christian man will need to be reminded of this in his business, for if righteousness were banished from all the world beside, it should find a shelter in believing hearts. There are, however, other balances which weigh moral and spiritual things, and these often need examining. We will call in the officer tonight. The balances in which we weigh our own and other men's characters, are they quite accurate? Do we not turn our own ounces of goodness into pounds, and other persons' bushels of excellence into pecks? See to weights and measures here, Christian. The scales in which we measure our trials and troubles, are they according to standard? Paul, who had more to suffer than we have, called his afflictions light, and yet we often consider ours to be he...