Below is an article submitted by Dr. Garry E. Milley. Former Professor of Church History and Theology and currently lead Pastor at Church in the Oaks. Enjoy. A PURITAN PERSPECTIVE ON PREACHING BY Garry E. Milley Preaching is the chief task of the minister for it is the supreme method of awakening faith in those who hear. Preaching is a timeless technique. It is never out of date. Even in our digital age the spoken word still has the power to change lives. Those who aspire to the pulpit be humble and wise enough to learn from the learned how rightly to use such power. RICHARD BAXTER: OLD MOLD FOR NEW MODELS One such learned preacher was Richard Baxter, that seventeenth- century Puritan, who had many profound things to say to prospective pastors. He was a master preacher and provides a pattern and philosophy of preaching worthy of note. The popular preaching of his day consisted of...