Introduction: The Knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer
Aiden Wilson Tozer (1897 – 1963)
was a pastor, preacher, author and editor. Often called a twentieth – century prophet, even within his own lifetime, Tozer was converted at seventeen after an encounter with a street preacher. Self taught, with no formal bible training, Tozer went on to have a ministry that would span more than forty years, and left a legacy of inspirational, Christ - centered books that have had a profound influence on Christians worldwide.
The above excerpt is a direct quote taken from the book “The Knowledge of the Holy”. This book also represents my very first introduction to this man’s writings. What struck me is the humility that pours forth from off the pages. This is far from some stuffy stoic analysis of theological truth concerning God’s holiness. Tozer is truly reverential in his approach, attempting to convey, as best as language can communicate, God’s Person.
was a pastor, preacher, author and editor. Often called a twentieth – century prophet, even within his own lifetime, Tozer was converted at seventeen after an encounter with a street preacher. Self taught, with no formal bible training, Tozer went on to have a ministry that would span more than forty years, and left a legacy of inspirational, Christ - centered books that have had a profound influence on Christians worldwide.

Tozer addresses the increasingly concerning problem of the Church’s “low view of God” – (Authors Introduction) - and presents a compelling argument addressing the Christians failing understanding to know God as He really is. He purports that the “Church has surrendered her once lofty concept of God and has substituted it for one so low, so ignoble, as to be utterly unworthy of thinking, worshipping men.” In his opening chapter Tozer begins a rebuilding process that commences with the address, 'Christians must think rightly of God'. He asserts that what a man thinks about God is a window into where that man is headed spiritually. The book is 161 pages in all, packed with insight and challenge. I found each chapter thought provoking and inspirational. Much can be learned and appreciated through the read of this book. The content is certainly worthy of our contemplation and reflection. A definite recommend!
Below is a list of the chapter titles to follow. I will try and give an accurate gist of each chapter, quoting many portions that I found insightful and compelling. I encourage all to join with me through this read and make comments where you will.
1. Why We Must Think Rightly About God
2. God Incomprehensible
3. A Divine Attribute: Something True About God
4. The Holy Trinity
5. The Self-Existence of God
6. The Self-Sufficiency of God
7. The Eternity of God
8. God’s Infinitude
9. The Immutability of God
10. The Divine Omniscience
11. The Wisdom of God
12. The Omnipotence of God
13. The Divine Transcendence
14. God’s Omnipresence
15. The Faithfulness of God
16. The Goodness of God
17. The Justice of God
18. The Mercy of God
19. The Grace of God
20. The Love of God
21. The Holiness of God
22. The Sovereignty of God
23. The Open Secret
Further Study:
Restoring a Sense of Majesty -
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